PASARAN terbaik SARANG BURUNG KE NANNING ,CHINA - ASEAN EXPO 2014 ( Caexpo 2014 22hb hingga 24 September ).
Ulasan .
The Malaysia External Trade Development Corp (Matrade) aims to attract over 100
Malaysian companies to participate in the 11th China-Asean Expo 2014 (Caexpo
2014) in Nanning, China.
The expo, from Sept 22-24, will see the
participation by companies from Asian countries. It will be held at the Nanning
International Convention and Exhibition Centre.
Matrade Business Services & Building
Material Franchise Unit/China Trade and Services Promotion Division Director,
Ong Yew Chee, said last year 138 Malaysian firms participated in the expo.
The participation generated total sales of
RM158.24 million and received over 10,000 business enquiries, he said.
"For this year, we are encouraging
more companies to participate and as many as possible from Sarawak," he
told a media briefing on the sidelines of the seminar on the 11th Caexpo 2014
here today.
Ong said Matrade targeted to attract
companies involved in the food and beverages, health and wellness, green and
technology sectors and those offering lifestyle products, education and
franchise services.
"We already have 50 companies
registered to participate in the expo. We are limiting the number to 140,"
he said.
He said 10 companies from Sarawak, which
were those mostly involved in food and health products and bird nests,
participated in last year's expo.
Ong urged more Sarawak companies to
participate in this year's expo, including the Malaysia Pepper Marketing Board
to showcase Sarawak's pepper.
He said Sarawak laksa and white coffee were also
gaining popularity in China and several other countries.
"Matrade hopes that Malaysian exporters
will capitalise on Caexpo as a strategic platform to tap the huge China market.
"We encourage the participation of large
corporations to showcase Malaysia's capability and also the small- and
medium-scale enterprises," he said.
Ong said Caexpo, which has been organised
annually since 2004, aimed to promote the China-Asean Free Trade Area.
"It has been highly credited as an
important platform to promote the trade, investment and tourism ties between
Malaysia and China and is a strategic platform to promote Malaysian products
and services in the China market," he said. -- Bernama BERITKUT Ulasan pasaran di CAEXPO 2013
Matrade telah mengunjurkan jualan minimum lebih RM100 juta daripada CAEXPO 2013, dengan jangkaan ia akan mengatasi jumlah jualan tahun lepas iaitu RM141.12 juta.
Bercakap di Nanning, Guangxi China, beliau berkata sejumlah 138 syarikat Malaysia akan mengambil bahagian dalam pameran itu, yang akan diadakan selama tiga hari mulai 3 September.
Antara yang akan dipamerkan di Pavillion Malaysia di ekspo itu termasuk makanan dan minuman, penjagaan kesihatan, gaya hidup, francais, teknologi hijau dan sektor perkhidmatan.
Pavillion Malaysia akan dirasmikan oleh Ketua Pegawai Eksekutif Matrade, Datuk Dr Wong Lai Sum pada Isnin sementara Menteri Perdagangan Antarabangsa dan Industri, Datuk Seri Mustapa Mohamed akan merasmikan majlis pembukaan EXPO 2013.
Khabarnya Jualan Hasil Sarang Burung Bernilai RM85 juta iaitu 70% hasil jualan tertinggi di Expo tersabut . Wooo......nampaknya sarang burung Malaysia masih mendapat sambutan tertinggi di China. Berita baik ...bersyukur pd yg maha Esa.
W000uoo.....peluang yg terbaik untuk kita bumiputera bergabung memdapat pasaran terbuka di China...jangan lepaskan peluang ini. Bagaimana ?....