Petikan walet group
Mengikut Undang-undang "Dunia" di bawah Akta Perlindungan Hidupan Liar .. adalah menjadi satu kesalahan bagi kita menangkap, membunuh atau mencederakan makhluk Allah ini.. Jika disabit kesalahannya boleh didenda tidak melebihi..... atau dipenjara tidak melebihi.... atau kedua-duanya sekali...
"unlawfully shooting, etc., protected wild life
68. every person who unlawfully shoots, kills or takes a protected wild animal or a protected wild bird or has in his unlawful possession a protected wild animal or part thereof or its trophy or a protected wild bird or part thereof or its trophy (other than an 44 Laws of Malaysia Act 76 immature protected wild animal or part thereof or an immature protected wild bird or part thereof or the female of a protected wild animal or part thereof or the female of a protected wild bird or part thereof ) is guilty of an offence and shall on conviction be liable to a fine not exceeding three thousand ringgit or to a term of imprisonment not exceeding three years or to both."
Hubungi Kami: 0134861990 Nordin atau e-mail kami Matlamat kami ialah membantu anda..KEJAYAAN ANDA KEJAYAAN KAMI JUA..
Pak Din... burung ni masih hidup... ditangkap.. telah dipindahkan. Seorang rakan telah mengambilnya semalam.Masa gambar diambil kakinya diikat- harap maklum..
Kebiasaannya kalau diikat kaki gitu pun burung tu x duduk diam..mesti meronta-meronta..gambar tu nampak mcm burung terlalu LIFELESS..