Thursday February 11, 2010
Firm blocked from offering swiftlets investment schemes
PETALING JAYA: The Companies Commission of Malaysia (CCM) has obtained an injunction to prevent a company from offering investment schemes involving the commercial rearing of swiftlets; with promised returns to investors derived from the selling of bird’s nests.
The High Court ruling on Feb 9 on Golden Nest Properties International (M) Berhad also applies to the agents, staff and other entities of Golden Nest until the company complies with Section IV, Division 5, of the Companies Act 1965, said CCM in a statement.
Golden Nest will also have to register deeds of trust with the CCM before continuing with their business operations.
CCM said Golden Nest, which started operating in November 2008, guaranteed returns to investors who were involved in its bird’s nest investment schemes.
CCM advised members of the public to be cautious when investing in schemes which are not registered with any regulatory body in Malaysia.
Walaupun telah disekat aktiviti-aktiviti yang dijalankan oleh mana-mana company..untuk keuntungan..hati-hatilah dengan perkara-perkara begini.. Kita jangan terlalu ghairah untuk mendapat keuntungan segera.. jika didengar keterangan oleh konsultan-konsultan diluar sana... memang semuanya amat menyakinkan.. tapi sebelum menceburkan diri..cubalah tanya-tanya kepada orang yang lebih arif... JANGAN SESEKALI TERTIPU DENGAN KEUNTUNGAN YANG DIWAR-WARKAN..
Ada yang tertipu dengan offer lots dalam bangunan RBL yang dibina.. keluar duit pelaburan sehingga RM10K dan ada yang RM25K... apa yang dapat?? nak tengok lot-lot yang dibeli pun ak dibenarkan...ERMMM macam mana nak tahu mana satu hak kita? dah ada sarang ka belum?? Cubalah fikir-fikirkan... betul kah pelaburan yang kita buat itu???